"Becoming What I Already Was!"

"...PREDESTINED according to the purpose of the One who works out everything in agreement with the decision of His will..." Ephesians 1:11

As I was preparing my mind, body and spirit for year 2022, I began to focus on the fact that moment by moment I am loosing myself from generations and generations of mental and spiritual bondage. I am freeing myself to be the Divine version of myself that I was meant to be. I am not bound my the opinions and doctrines of man, regardless of race, color or creed. 

Recently, I was writing some notes as they came into my mind and I had a feeling that some of these things, I had written before, though I could not remember where or when. In a matter of days, I unexpectedly came across a document that had written in January 2013 discussing this same subject matter. While re-reading this document, it dawned on me that it was written nine (9) years ago and that is extremely significant. Why? You may ask. Let me tell you why.

The number nine (9) symbolizes the stages of life and the time in which you are born into a whole new level of existence. It defines predestination. Studies show that the number nine (9) is a sacred number and entails wisdom and good leadership characteristics. Spiritually (not Biblically or Christianity defined) the number nine (9) means that one is committed to being in service to humanity using their natural abilities.

Biblically speaking, the number nine (9) symbolized Divine completion and conveys the meaning of finality. Also, there are nine (9) fruits of God's spirit that one should possess (Galations 5:22-23.)

Becoming who you already were exhibits are clear understand and acceptance of your personal and individual purpose. It brings the purest level of freedom that one can possess, freedom from the manipulative control of others opinions. When you KNOW who you are and why you are, you no longer feel the need to imitate someone else's Journey. 

This past 12 months, I have had dreams and visions that showed me as I was predestined to be. Once I began embracing the interpretations of these things, I saw ME. Standing on new ground, with new insight and strength, I continue to BECOME. Each of us was created with specifically, individually designed intellect, strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. As we fully see these things in ourselves, we can be the absolute best that we were chosen to be. Make that decision and totally commit to it. 

Your Journey is your own and it existed before you were even born. When you enter into the Earth realm, you begin the process of manifesting who you were in the Spirit realm. From the beginning of time, the Creator mapped out the uniqueness of our Journey. What was already placed in you, is now being revealed. You are becoming to yourself, and others, what you already were in the Creator's eyes. 

It is time for the REAL you to be revealed!!


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