
Showing posts from January, 2022
 "Becoming What I Already Was!" "...PREDESTINED according to the purpose of the One who works out everything in agreement with the decision of His will..." Ephesians 1:11 As I was preparing my mind, body and spirit for year 2022, I began to focus on the fact that moment by moment I am loosing myself from generations and generations of mental and spiritual bondage. I am freeing myself to be the Divine version of myself that I was meant to be. I am not bound my the opinions and doctrines of man, regardless of race, color or creed.  Recently, I was writing some notes as they came into my mind and I had a feeling that some of these things, I had written before, though I could not remember where or when. In a matter of days, I unexpectedly came across a document that had written in January 2013 discussing this same subject matter. While re-reading this document, it dawned on me that it was written nine (9) years ago and that is extremely significant. Why? You may ask. Le