An Interview with Vanessa Wigglesworth


A Mother's Cry is committed to sharing the stories of mothers from all ethnic, racial and socioeconomic backgrounds. 

Today, we're happy to share a recent interview with Vanessa Wigglesworth.

AMC: How many children do you have? 

Vanessa: I have 2 children. What are their ages? They are 12 (nearly 13) and 8. 

AMC: Did becoming a Mother impact your life goals or dreams? If so, how? 

Vanessa: Becoming a mother absolutely impacted my dreams. I'm not much of a planner, but always dreamed of "better"- owning my own home, being able to travel, being in a strong and stable relationship...etc. When I was younger I never imagined being a parent, but now my dreams have expanded to include making sure our children have a childhood they won't have to recover from.  

AMC: What is your current occupation? 

Vanessa: I am currently home because of this virus, but most recently I was working as a Lunch Aide at an elementary school. I've also been an Avon representative for the last 12 years. 

AMC: How has Motherhood impacted you emotionally? Spiritually? 

Vanessa: Emotionally, I find that I enjoy life a lot more. I also cry a lot more, because I just keep seeing the beauty in (almost) everything. Spiritually, I am more confident in my walk than I have ever been in my life. 

AMC: Did you always want to be a Mother? Why or why not? 

Vanessa: I always assumed I would not have kids, I was really fearful of all it involved. I also was pretty self-absorbed and didn't want to be responsible. Thankfully, God had other plans! 

AMC: Are you aware of your child(ren)’s Passions? Strengths? Weaknesses? 

Vanessa: Yes. 

AMC: If so, please share one thing that you do to encourage them in pursuing their

Vanessa: Passions? To encourage them, I never force. I let them talk things through out loud, trying to just listen first, without interjecting my own thoughts/opinions. Then, we talk through what the best course of action would be for them to pursue whatever it may be- play auditions, soccer try-outs, submitting art for shows etc. 

AMC: If your child(ren) were asked, would they say that they feel heard by you? 

Vanessa: I think (and hope) they would say yes, at least about the important things. 

AMC: What is one thing that you do just for you? 

Vanessa: I try to read or do crossword puzzles.  How often? Whenever the chance presents itself.

AMC: What is your greatest source of joy? 

Vanessa: Family adventures. Basically anything we are able to do together brings me joy, whether it's a trip to the library or a trip to Disney World- my crew brings me joy. 

AMC: A Mother's Cry is not just about Mothers crying tears. It is about her being a Voice that speaks (cries) her true self. Do YOU consider yourself to be a Voice? 

Vanessa: I think everyone is, although sometimes I have doubt about me being a voice. 

AMC: Did/does your relationship with your Mother impact how you “Mother” your children? 

Vanessa: Yes. I think I'll just leave it at that, otherwise this might turn into a novel. 

AMC: I often say that Motherhood is a Gift and Ministry all its own. Do you agree or disagree? 

Vanessa: Agree. 

AMC: Do you find it difficult to allow your children to pursue new interests, and forge their own paths?

Vanessa: Sometimes. Not because I don't want them to, but because I worry about that next stage and being "left behind."

AMC: As our organization continues to grow and expand in our plans to empower and inspire Mothers, what is one thing that you would recommend for us? 

Vanessa: Remind them of how amazing they already are. Each mother has a gift to share with the world, sometimes it's hard to see (or admit to) our own, but it's there.

AMC: How can our readers contact you? 

Vanessa: Email is best! 


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