A Mother's Prayer

A Mother's Cry is birthed out of love and commitment to the well-being of our children and the Mothers who nurture and guide them on their Journey. As a Mother who has faced and survived many challenges, I desire to inspire other Mothers to keep going, no matter what. At any phase of your Journey, you MUST be the best version of yourself. This is what your children need from you. Positive self-image and healthy lifestyles are imperative. 

It is not necessary to give birth physically to be a Mother. As Women, we nurture and care for all children. Each child desires and deserves love and we give it to them. No matter the circumstances, if we encounter a broken child, we open our hearts and our arms reminding them that they are loved and they are special.

Daily we show our gratitude and ask our Creator for strength to fulfill our Divine Assignment as Mothers.

A Mother's Prayer

"Heavenly Father, I come today to consecrate and set aside my children for your service. With my whole heart, I give them back to you as a show of my gratitude and thankfulness for these special gifts you have given to me. I trust your Divine will and purpose to be manifested in their lives. I pray that I be an example to them of your unconditional love and unmerited favor. I pray each day that they see you in me. Thank you for the Privilege of Motherhood and for bestowing such an Honor on me. In complete surrender, I am....

"Rise during the night and cry out. Pour out your hearts like water to the Lord. Lift up your hands to Him in prayer, pleading for your children." Lamentations 2:19


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